Half Full or Half Empty

The GLASS IS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL has always been a debatable question. Some say, the way people look at the glass tells a lot about the personality of the person.

This one is a glass of Water

For example, if your answer looking at the above picture is – The glass if half full – then you are an OPTIMIST whereas if your answer was the glass is half empty – then you fall under the other category of people called – PESSIMIST.

Image source – Google

Now one can look at this scenario in many ways depending on factors that affects the person at that time. For someone who is content and happy, the glass might seem half full at the same time the same person when hit by misery and unhappiness might consider the glass half empty. One cannot always think alike.

Life changes each and every day, and with that we as humans change. Some principles that you must have followed in your teenage years might not be your principles anymore. We grow in our thoughts and we learn from our experiences, our success and our failures, our acceptance and our rejections and that makes us change our principles in life. Having said that, it does not change the basic moral values and your opinions towards life cause that makes you an individual.

Image source – Google

How do I look at the glass??? 🙂 😉 
I am not a naturally born optimist to be honest (am a cancerian after all the insecure ones) neither am I a pessimist(if that would have been the case I would be taking medicines for sleep and depression considering the way life has hit me every now and then). I believe I am a Realist in life. It’s neither empty nor full for me. It’s a glass and am happy there is something in it and I would prefer it to be my glass of red wine. ❤ 😀 

I consider whatever happens, it happens for a reason – the good times i cherish and enjoy it and the bad times I learn from it and try to become stronger. I believe in enjoying the moment, for the moment once passed never comes back. Learning the good in the bad that is more like me 😛

And then there are few who are called the Opportunist. For them it’s

Image source – Google

What kind of person are you??? How do you look at the glass ?? Do you think there can be someone who is not like the four personality traits i have mentioned. Let me know!! Would love to hear from you all ❤

Another one for the WordPress Daily Prompts –  EMPTY

— Sneha (gal from the island)