FIFTEEN Harry Potter Movie Quotes – DAY 15 and its a wrap #halfmarathon

It certainly had to be a post on HARRY POTTER after all it’s the magical woman J.K.Rowling’s Birthday as well as Harry Potter’s whom i have watched growing up. Even though am 29 now , i would watch this movie whenever it’s on television. How i wish something like this really existed.Harry Potter and the series is like a part of my childhood which is strongly rooted itself within me. 

As we celebrate their birthday and also wrap up with yet another daily writing challenge the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge hosted by BlogChatter here are my top FIFTEEN QUOTES from the movie 😀 Happy Birthday !!! and for making my childhood special. ❤ ❤ ❤

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Disclaimer: the gifs/images featured in this blog  belong to their respective sources. Author owns none of them.

Which one is your favourite quote? Find a full featured blog on Harry Potter right from A to Z on my dear friend Vinay’s blog. Happy Weekend!!

FOURTEEN things to do when home alone – DAY 14 OF HALF MARATHON

We all are home alone at some point of time in life,  😦 either our parents are out for the weekend attending some function, our roommate has gone home on vacation, our boyfriend/girlfriend have made plans with their gang, husband’s out-of-town, wife has gone to her mother’s place etc etc or simply you stay alone all by yourself. 

Staying alone for a day is okay, you can just kill time and somehow time passes by. Problem is when the duration of staying home alone is for a good long time and not just a matter of few hours 😀


Here i am to help you by giving you some real and practical ideas what needs can be done to actually turn over the boring time at home to a fruitful one for yourself. I have personally tried these so yeah you can count of me for the guarantee. Hope you enjoy and try something out of the list


Unless and until you are way too disciplined or have OCD then you should try reorganizing your closet. It would sound boring and then just something that won’t take much time but trust me when you actually start doing this you wont even realize how time flies by. Other benefits you might just find some clothes of yours which you don’t remember having or that dress you wore on your first date and was kept somewhere hidden which you thought got lost.


All those movies which have been on your watch list which you couldn’t due to those hectic office hours, taking care of kids and family. Why not watch them now. Pick up your favourite genre of movies and start watching them or maybe pick one from each kind of genre or even a tv series like the Game of Thrones, Sherlock Holmes or even FRIENDS. You can just start watching any episode. Why not order some snacks for yourself or make pop corn and create a comfortable sitting, get all cozy and complete marathon. #ChillwithNetflix


You don’t really have to be good at cooking to do this. If you are the kinds who cook for yourself, then try something new and something exotic just for yourself. Or if you are not that great at cooking then why not improve your culinary skills. Bake yourself a cake, or try some cocktail. So many recipes are there on google both written and videos to learn from. Trust me a good meal and a glass of wine would just lift up your spirits.


If you are really not lazy then you can head to a parlour and get yourself pampered. Carry a novel and just read it while the salon people are just treating you like a queen. But then if you are lazy to go to a salon then why not try some parlour tricks at home itself. A pedicure, a hair massage could be easily done all by yourself at home.


Music is the best therapy for any kind of situation. Why not make a playlist as per your mood and daily activities. We all go through different kind of emotions happy, sad and fun and accordingly we tend to listen to the songs. So go ahead and make a playlist for each kind. Songs you’ll prefer listening to while travelling, songs that help you feel more energetic and would work in your favour while working out in the gym or a jog. Mak a playlist of songs that can help you go to sleep. I have a playlist for this one 🙂 I love listening to Only time by Enya’s one hour sleep music specially on days when its hard to get some sleep.


People who enjoy reading would anyways find time to read so this ones for people who don’t find time but always have those books in the back of your mind. Whichever way you like reading, a real hard-paper bound book in hand with a cup of coffee like me or the kindle version for the tech savy ones. To go a step ahead, why not post a review for the book on good reads or site from which you bought it. Would always help someone who is looking for a customer review.


I do read questions on Quora but never tried answering them and one weekend when i was very bored i thought of not answering questions on quora and it was such a fun thing to do.There are so many random questions that people ask on quora from simple to complex and serious questions which you can answer. Highly recommended!!!


I love singing out loud but being the bad even bad bathroom singer i hate singing publically. And i am bad in remembering the lyrics of the song if i don’t sing it out loud so i actually play the karaoke version with the lyrics opened in another page and i sing my heart out. There are so many sites which have the karaoke music be it any kind and any language. You never know your vocal chords might just get better and you would actually have fun. Try shaking a leg or two while singing to spice things up.


If you are the shopping kinds go do yourself that retail therapy or just window shopping. You have all the time to try and try and try new stuff. If you don’t wana step out then online shopping is always an option. If finances are not in favor at least you can save items in your wishlist for later (not my kind of spending time but my friends do this hence a suggestion)


Bucket lists are always a fun thing to do. You can strike of the ones you have already completed and add new ones. Try and figure out the ones you can do within the next month or year, and plan on the ones which need a lot of investment of time and money. Pen down the updated one and post it on your wall so that you keep seeing them and work towards fulfilling it.


All you need is an internet connection and you wont realize how time just flies. You can be that couch potato and just tuck yourself in bed and watch videos on various topics. From how to’s to movies, songs, learning things. To be exact there are 819,417,600 hours of video on YouTube so you can do the math now of how many days. To make this time even more productive try to learn something new. Learn a new skill or how to improve something that you have been doing. I Personally recommend this. It’s only through YouTube and one of the boring home alone days that i found my interest in zentangle and doodling and started learning them religiously.


 Science proves that things that are visual tend to stay longer in our mind. If you are the craftsy kinds or the art lovers you can start a journal book or a scrapbook. You can save all those movie tickets, or boarding passes or post cards to make a travel journal or a recipe book along with your fav recepies. Why not make a vision board and decorate it and keep it somewhere that you can see it very regularly. Its fun, therapeutic and a great experience.


Make list of anything and everything, things you want to do, things you want to buy, things you want to read, things you want to watch, places you want to travel, grocery you need to buy people you need to call up and meet or simply a list just like this one 🙂


Yeah!! why not. Most of the blogs happen just like this. You don’t have to be the ones who are good with words, you can actually start a blog which posts information from other sites(with due courtesy to the source of information). There are various videos and blogs on how to make blogs so you always have a reference to begin with. So go ahead and start a blog and lemme know .

What do you do when home alone or bored? Something you want to share or give me a tip or two which i could try 🙂 Happy Weekend! ❤

This post is written for the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge at Blog Chatter.


THIRTEEN something that should not be TABOO anymore – DAY 13_part01

The number 13 – THIRTEEN in itself gives us chills down our spine. We always associate it with being unlucky, something tragic etc because of all the notions associated with it in the past. So why not discuss something similar. Today it’s about THIRTEEN topics that SHOULD NOT BE A TABOO ANYMORE. And sharing it on my blog is somehow empowering me, and for the first time making me feel the strength bloggers have – to share their opinions and views of some serious issues with the world.

— this should not be a taboo anymore —
1. Mental Illness
2. Menstruation
3. Sex Education
4. Fat/Skinny/Dark/Fair
5. Marital Rape
6. Career oriented woman cannot be a good homemaker
7. Homosexuality
8. Women and drinks
9. Talking about honor killing
10. Divorced/separated/widowed woman = Easy Target
11. Single Parent
12. Men can feel pain
13. Financial Status to judge someone

I actually wrote the entire 13 taboos in detail and it was way too long even for me to do a review check. I made some changes in the last moment and am going to talk about the Thirteen taboos in details in a series of posts post this blog (hence the delay in post yesterday). Let this one be just a peek-a-boo on the upcoming series post.  

Just because you can’t physically see something doesn’t make it any less real, serious or scary for the person suffering with it. Mental illness needs to be talked about just like any other injury or disease or like a broken leg. Mental illness are of different types ranging from mild to severe like Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Bipolar, Dementia, Schizophrenia,Autism, Attention-deficit and even something which we just neglect Hyperactivity. Mental-Illness

The first major reasons are for late diagnosis of these are because we consider them a taboo to be discussed with anyone even a family member and that is cause when the family members consider it a taboo and are not open to the thought that it can happen to anyone. When ever some one is told to meet a psychiatrist we think the person has gone nuts, but the fact is sometimes counselling helps you to understand what you going through. It doesn’t certify you as a mad person. So if you suffer from one, seek help!! If you know someone who is going through a mental illness, find help for that someone. 

Yes! it indeed is considered as any other social taboo. There are societies that consider this biological occurrence in female as impure, unclean and even more embarrassing. There are still families who don’t let the woman of the house come close to them, or attend auspicious occasions or do the religious rituals if they are on their menstrual cycle. I mean menstruation signifies the fertility of a woman. If she wouldn’t have been able to have her regular monthly cycle , men wouldn’t have been born. Even talking about periods is considered a stigma. I remember as kids if a girl is sitting on bench during the sports period everyone goes hush hush about it both boys and girls. What is so difficult to understand this? Don’t men get erected early mornings? have we woman considered it as perverseness and not stigmatised u for that then why woman. It sounds more like a disease that we women go through each month. When women buy sanitary pads, shopkeepers put it in a black cover so that no ones knows what you buying as if am buying a bomb to blow up my neighborhood. That smirky smile of the man at the billing counter when he bills the sanitary pad, i just feel like punching him right on face. Or the ads on tv for sanitary pad Blue ink for what? The reality hits when you first see blood instead of the blue color when you hit puberty.attitude-towards-menstrual-cycle-all-india-percentage-women_chartbuilder

Adolescent girls in developing countries miss schools for at least fives days every month -60 days in a year, due to lack of access to sanitary napkins and unhygienic school conditions only because the issue is not spoken out loud. There are so many issues associated with menstruation that need to be discussed, like irritations, infections, irregularity, pcos, PMS etc so that “That time of the month” becomes pleasant rather than a pain and curse for us. If a woman tells you she is not well consistently when you keep asking her whats wrong with you just understand she is on her periods, or if she tells you directly don’t be taken aback and consider her “ooohh she is too open to discuss all this with me” attitude. #dontlettheperiodstopyou !!!

As much as rape is a social menace so is giving sex education or even talking about sex a taboo. I remember the first time my mother told me about sex or a physical touch which shouldn’t be appreciated. I was in fourth std when my mother told me that if ever anyone touches you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable just shout out loud no matter who it is or which place you are in. Why can’t all moms tell their daughters about how to be careful? Or tell the boys about how to treat a girl. 1 in every 10 girls in India go through molestation as kids and they never talk about it with anyone even their moms and this leaves a scar in them for an entire lifetime. 418592_517944008220211_1350532575_n-640x424

Sex education is not just about learning the male and female reproductive system. So many teens in India and abroad go through abortion even before they are 20 because of lack of education about contraceptive methods,sexual health, dysfunction and STDs. This encourages misinformation and myths and false cure. So many men have erectile issue and not talking about it with their wives or family doctor simply impacts their marriage,social and domestic life. And this also results in lack of knowledge in doctors as they are never aware of such illness and how to treat these disorders. Sexual education is necessary to identify and be comfortable with one’s own sexuality.

Let me know if you liked the part 01, it would mean a lot of encouragement for me to post about other topics 🙂 Also anything that you agree with or would want to share your opinion about what should not be a taboo anymore.

This post is written for the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge at Blog Chatter.

TWELVE fav one each of the 12 months– DAY 12 OF HALF MARATHON

I was sure what i would be writing for 12 something as part of the #halfmarathon challenge am soon gonna complete 🙂 and that is my TWELVE favourites for each of the TWELVE month. There is always something special about every month of the year, it could be an event, a festival, someone’s birthday any and probably everything. Here i am sharing #myfavorites 🙂

JANUARY : This has to be the month dedicated to NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS. All that you had planned to do last year but couldn’t achieve, all that you want to complete in the current year. It’s all about goal settings and working towards it. Be it a goal related to improving on your finances, living a healthy life, travelling places you have been planning for, ticking of those bucket lists you made. it’s all about paving way for a new year, a new you.

FEBRUARY : No it’s not Valentine’s day that makes this month special for me or my love story, but it definitely is related to unconditional love and this one is the love story of my parent’s when they tied knots for eternity on the 10th of Feb 1980. This is what makes this month so special to me and i love this month because of this single reason.

MARCH : Besides the fact as a woman this month celebrates us on 8th of March every year which is really a proud feeling, what makes it special for me is it’s the beginning of the favorite season of the year SPRING. I love the new leaves on plants and trees, flowers blooming, there is this very special kinda atmosphere specially in Bangalore that is a mix of cold and warm. Winters just passing by and summer is just round the corner kinds.

APRIL : The first day of the month is only special its my one and only loving brothers birthday. Yeah yeah, he was born on the April Fool’s day:P It’s an honour to have an elder brother. Now if that was just not enough, it’s also the birthday month of my sister-in-law 🙂 theirs too was a love marriage ❤ Also it’s the time when schools are about to close for vacations, and for adults its time to start planning for vacations and get their leaves approved 😛

MAY : This month is lucky in itself because it is my mom’s birthday month. If it wasn’t for her i wouldn’t be blogging here 🙂 I love you mom and i miss you so much . It’s summer vacations.. yipee!! I still remember when we used to wait for schools to close both mine and my mom’s(she was a school teacher)  so that we can go for vacations. Time to pack the bags and start the journey.

JUNE : Hmm nothing particular about this month as such, no birthdays, no vacation as such but what used to be special about it back as kids was that during this month i used to do all the school shopping – uniforms, books etc and would wait for the classes to begin towards the end of the month. Also the thought of following month made this month seem too long. All i’d think was the next month, wana know why continue reading 😉

JULY : Yipeeeeee!!! My favorite month of all the remaining ones because it’s MY BIRTHDAY MONTH 🙂 🙂 🙂 I don’t really need any other reason for this month to be more special. It’s time to update my resolutions for the year, make those edits and deletes and additions.I also share this month with my best friends birthday, he is my strength 🙂 and he means so much.

AUGUST : Two important occasions makes this month my second favorite after July and that is FRIENDSHIP’s DAY and RAKSHA BANDHAN. My friends have been my biggest strength and it needs to be celebrated. This Aug that’s few days from today i’d be celebrating a decade long friendship with my best friends and i couldn’t be more luckier to have found them. We call ourselves the #unforgettables 🙂 Now Raksha bandhan is the festival which celebrates the bond between a brother and a sister. And am grateful to have an elder brother who is my strength, my backbone, who supports me in everything i do. It’s also my Blog anniversary and next month its the first blog happy birthday.

SEPTEMBER : I am engineer by profession and September marks the Engineers day on the 15th of September. My mother was a very respected teacher, this month also celebrates the teachers we have had in life on the 5th of September. Also my first ever dance stage performance was during September 1994 🙂 So many reasons to like this month. Also my family festival Onam is celebrated in this month. More on that some other day.

OCTOBER : My dad’s birthday makes this month special 😀 Plus the festival of lights Diwali and festival of good over evil Dusseshra fall in this month. These festivals kind of change in their dates but it’s usually around the same time of the year. I celebrate both these festivals with a lot of love and happiness. It’s time for fun and celebrations, meeting family, going home , eating lots of sweets 😛

NOVEMBER : Two of my best friends have their birthdays this month. And that makes this month special. They understand me for exactly who i am. And guess what one friend out of the two is getting married this coming November and i am already making plans and preparing myself to be the best bridesmaid to her. The other friend has never failed to make me feel special and we have this random question thing that we play since the last four years that we have known one another and that has helped us grow as such good friends. He is in US now and i miss him so much. We haven’t met for the last two years but we never fail to have our usual weekend skype calls 🙂 #thankstotechnology 

DECEMBER : And finally the last month of the year. Being a convent student, Christmas was a huge event for us. The whole month goes in preparing for Xmas celebrations. So this month has always been a happy happy one. I miss school so much during Christmas, and to compensate we play the Secret Santa in office 😛 It’s the month to welcome a new year and to plan the awesome new year party. Well last year this month added another important day infact days to it and that was when my gang of girls sweetest person got married on 1st jan 2015 for which the celebrations has begun almost two weeks before. And she chose me to be her bridesmaid and i was the happiest person to be so. I had the time of my life during her wedding from her bridezilla tantrums to running here and there, taking care of her and other things, being more than a family member everything made her wedding so special.

Too many other important things are also there which makes each of these months special but the ones i spoke about are my favorites ❤ These are the only reasons why i look forward to these months. Too many other birthdays which i just can’t miss cause all these people have made me me. Too many other decisions of life that were made career, life etc.

Which is your fav month? Let me know!!! Is there another list that you would have taken up if you had the chance or somethings that you think i could have written instead of this one. Lemme know , lemme know 🙂

This post is written for the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge at Blog Chatter.


For beginners what is a pet peeve? It is something that a particular person finds especially annoying or an irritating experience caused by others in which you cannot control .It could be something that we all come across in our day-to-day lives. 

Since the last few posts of mine were very dull in terms of appearance, i have decided to share my 11 pet peeves beautifully illustrated by someone i really admire. Her posts are the first ones to come on my news feed in Facebook and that is none other than Alicia Souza . You can subscribe to her Facebook posts and you would thank me for it later.  

Now me being me, there are few things or pet peeves which are a result of our own actions, hence i intend to share them as well with you guys. 🙂

This happens to me like ALL THE TIME
This happened today morning also :(specially when the battery is low and you have put it on charge
People can be so cold at times na?

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P.S: the names in the images are the pet peeves suggested by the followers of Alicia. So go ahead and suggest her one and if lucky your pet peeve might just get featured on her page.

Please tell me you had fun going through the #petpeeves and the illustrations specially !! 😉 Let me know what are your Pet Peeves. and also if you like Alicia’s work.

This post is written for the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge at Blog Chatter.























Ten things I want to say to 10 different people right now – DAY 10 OF HALF MARATHON

This prompt was a tough one to write. I really had no idea what can i possibly write on it. Should i be mentioning about ten important people what i feel for them ? Or should i be just randomly writing ten things i expected from people i am close to? Not happy about it..hmm so i refer google to come up with few ideas as am watching #masterchefaustralia (there is something so therapeutic about cookery shows even though you don’t understand half of the things 😛 do u also feel so?? ) and this is what i come up with –

To all those people who run behind happiness and yet never find it, stop and have a look at life and think of all the things you are blessed with and need to feel happy about it. I do agree a fat paycheck, a perfect family, all the other luxurious things in life bring happiness but if you are not happy from within all these don’t matter at all. Stop searching happiness, try to make someone else happy and you’ll realize what you had been searching for all this while.

Money buys happiness i do agree to this to some extent but don’t let the chase for money make you lose your family and friends. Don’t go do things which aren’t ethical just to earn extra dollars in your bank account. Don’t let yourself down or cheat yourself to make money and yet go to bed everyday fearing when you would get caught for the same or even if not, don’t have that guilty feeling as you live each day.

You own your life – take charge of it and feel liberated. We are in a century where everything is possible and we have the right opportunity to all possibilities only if we chose to do so. Give yourself the freedom to experiment with life by taking risks, by living it and not merely surviving each day. Appreciate freedom of opinion and choices in other. Freedom is more of the mind than the actions. Do not misuse the freedom you have in life be it in family, at work, or in a society you are living it. Use freedom as your strength not as your weapon

None of the hard work you have put in life or things you have achieved would be of any worth if it doesn’t give you peace at the end of day. If you just earn enough for your family and yourself, if you earn so much that the next two generations need not even work, if you live in a 2 bedroom apartment or a bungalow of your own, if you are riding a two-wheeler or a Mercedes Benz, if you are a single person or if you have a loving family, if you are the greedy kind from the Christmas carol or the one who rejoices with a group of friends lifelong it all comes down to one important question – do you find peace within yourself?

#5 JOY
Find moments of joy in small little things that you do and you’ll realize how easy it is to be happy. Talk to that random passenger who is sharing a cab with you ask him how his day was and you would know how easy it was to bring a smile on someone’s face. Ask your maid how she and her family is doing, or give her some of your old clothes(which can be worn) and you would know how much of a difference you have made in her life. Buy that pen which a kid at the traffic signal is selling you don’t really have to use it but you buying that one pen or sticker from her could have given her that extra amount she needed to buy a book for herself or even a meal of one time. Find joy in visiting orphanages and the elderly. Bring a smile in their lives and joy in yours.

Only if you know your priorities in life you would be able to bring the right balance in it too. Understand what are the possible aspects of life for which you could negotiate and for which you are not ready to. Bring balance in life and work, bring balance in family and friends. Don’t let one phase of life take over the remaining.Compromise on things that you think you can and are justified to you, stand by your policies and principles if they demand not to be compromised.Balance between your needs and desires, balance between you for yourself and you for others.

Are your expectations in life met? Are you doing the right job that you wanted to or like most of us end up in different professions in reality does it really fulfill your aspirations? Does being friends with someone fulfill your life in terms of becoming a better person or individual?Are you living up to your potential that you are at least aware of? If not think about why your worth as an individual is not being fulfilled. Is it because you are too comfortable in your skin and do not wish change in life, or is it because your are not ready to put up a fight against what is wrong or what is deserving for you.

Even if you don’t have one or you are not confident about yourself still go ahead with a confident face and attitude and you’ll feel how much of a difference it could make in your life both personal and professional. Be confident about your choices and do not doubt yourself. Remember the answer to any question is no if you do not ask it. Be confident in putting your opinions across people when needed. Be confident to stand up for what you feel is right.Believe in yourself and hold on to your moral values.

Being stable doesn’t mean to be in your comfort zone all the time. Remember change is the only thing constant in life and change is inevitable. Try and embrace change yet hold onto your ground and be stable in life. Do not let the unknown affect you and bring you down both emotionally and physically. Nothing in this world is Stable or Secure except YOU. Your moral values, your spirit, your knowledge, your capabilities are the only stable attributes in your life. Do not react to the situation, respond to the situation. In times of difficulty try to separate the pain from the suffering. Just as the roots do not get affected no matter what the situation is above the ground, be stable in your principles and you’ll overcome all the unstability around you.

I have spoken about passion the most during the half marathon challenge and i feel it’s the one which keeps your spirits ignited. Being passionate is not just about being crazy about doing something in life, be passionate in your relationship both with family and friends. Be passionate in your work even though its something you are not happy doing, you’ll eventually see the benefits. Find purpose in life and it’ll give you meaning.Believe in yourself and you ll know how being passionate isn’t really hard. Keep the fire in you alive.

~~ Don’t measure your life in the moments you have lived, but in those moments that took your breathe away and those moments which brought happiness through you in others ~~

With this post i complete the 10 day writing challenge which was inspired by Shane’s blog and am happy as one more writing challenge is completed. Though am still few more days for the #halfmarathon and that would be something that i really need to think now 🙂 Do let me know what could i write for 11,12,13 and 14 if at all you have noticed the way i am doing the half marathon challenge. 😀 Help meeee plzzzzzzzz

This post is written for the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge at Blog Chatter and also the reference for the first ten days has been taken from 10 Day Writing Challenge that I saw on Shane’s blog which was inspired by dakilanggerlpren 



It’s another new week, and hoping all of you must have kicked those #mondayblues . This one is another post on a lighter note just to share a little bit more about me and with one condition – comment back by at least 2 things about you that i don’t know and you would like me to know. Let’s make this an interactive post 😀 For a change i am gonna write random things about me and not the usual ones. I hope you still continue to be my blog reader after this post  !!! 😛 😉

I think i have a split personality: I am very different when i am with a bunch of close friends – i am more talkative, more fun. While when i am with just one person(no matter how long i have known this person) i prefer being quiet and be more of a listener. Weird !!! 

I have OCD: Not the extreme kinds that makes difficult for people to live with me but more of a personal one for example, i need to fold the blanket when i wake up in the morning, that is the first thing i would do. I need to wear a watch before i step out of the house(i’d rather take off from work if the watch stops). I need to have a kitchen slab while am cooking, i keep doing the dishes in the middle of cooking. The volume of the television should always be an even number (am not crazy, it’s just me :P) 

I am only scared of spiders: Probably the ONLY THING in this wide world that scares the shit out of me are SPIDERS. I think if i see a lion in front of me or a ghost i wouldn’t be scared but just go with the flow(they’ll do whatever they have to do to me :D). But spiders no way, i would be jumping here and there until its gone from my sight.

I am not an ice cream or cotton candy person at all: Ice cream i can still think of having once a while like once in few months but cotton candy never ever. Similarly any aerated drink. I have never tasted Pepsi or Cola or lemonade in my entire 29 years of life. Believe me!!!

I forgive but i don’t forget: Not that i don’t want to forget but its only because i have a very sharp memory. Even if i try to i would remember the incident and every thing revolving around it.

I get hypnic jerks while sleeping very often: A hypnic jerk, hypnagogic jerk, sleep start, sleep twitch or night start, or jump, is an involuntary twitch which occurs just as a person is beginning to fall asleep, often causing them to awaken suddenly for a moment.

I have been seeing a dream since i have had memories: This is very weird to me too . I have been seeing this particular dream since i was a kid and once every year. I strongly remember it’s just once in a year that i would dream of this and its been the same exact dream without any changes at all. It’s a tour as a kid i make to the zoo, and i get separated from my family and i end up in a deserted place inside the zoo. It’s a huge cage and i am looking up waiting to understand what cage is it and then suddenly a gigantic white crane appears and puts its beak from over the fence and swallows me. #beingmosthonest

Most used punctuation in my writings: If you ever notice, the most used punctuation by me whenever i write is “!!!” I don’t remember when i started using this but its become by signature now 😀

I am claustrophobic: The first thing i do when i enter an unknown place, house, vehicle, office cabin is to find the center point of the space and stand/sit there. I try to stay away from the walls of a particular space. Similarly its tough for me to travel in a vehicle with windows closed all the time. I’d try as much as i can to open the windows every few mins.

 Are you still there reading? 😀 If yes then thank you so much for bearing up with my random WEIRD facts. Sometimes its good to talk about your weirdness too, makes you the Authentic YOU !!! So its your turn now to tell two random things about yourself. Go ahead, am listening.

This post is written for the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge at Blog Chatter and also the reference for the first ten days has been taken from 10 Day Writing Challenge that I saw on Shane’s blog which was inspired by dakilanggerlpren 

Eight ways to win my heart – DAY 08 OF HALF MARATHON

Let’s keep it short this time, I don’t really want to tell people what are the ways to win my heart 😀 (#classified 😛 ). Most of the things have been told in my what turns a woman on and what turns a woman off post. I am like any other girl with a little twist that’s all.

I am a Cancerian woman in the truest sense!! So that makes your work easier in doing some research on how to win a Cancer Woman’s heart. I could tell you the top eight points to make things a little less difficult for you. Cancerians being a water sign and effected by the Moon imagine all the possibilities good and bad both of the sea and then relate it to a woman and you are good to start with. Remember the dialogue from the movie Titanic – A woman’s heart is a deep ocean of secrets ❤ ❤ ❤

  • Make me laugh and you’ll have me forever
  • Motivate me and support me when I share my dreams or tell you my problems, don’t play on my insecurities
  • Respect my family even more than me I mean it!
  • Though not a typical girl but once in a while even I love compliments and to be treated like one, to be made feel wanted by you.
  • Don’t mess with me when I am moody or need my space. I know I can be crazy but that makes me interesting, trust me. My mood swings are both good and bad. So if you can’t handle my worse you don’t deserve my best too
  • I don’t open up in an instant so give me that scope of opening up my layers to you as and when I get you closer in my life
  • I am very emotional I might cry watching the same movie again and again but that doesn’t make me weak, it just helps me feel light so let me cry when I need to 😛
  • I love being in my shell, I either move sideways or backwards so go ahead and take the initiative.

See I told you, I ain’t that difficult 😀 😛 ❤ (or any other woman for that matter) You just need to hit the right chord with us and the music plays.

This post is written for the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge at Blog Chatter and also the reference for the first ten days has been taken from 10 Day Writing Challenge that I saw on Shane’s blog which was inspired by dakilanggerlpren 

Seven things that cross my mind a lot – DAY 07 OF HALF MARATHON

Friday it is!!! And mid-way into #Halfmarathon and am glad I managed despite all the odds(lack of time and lot of travel). Wishing you happy weekend in advance 😀 to all my lovely readers.

Do you people think random things in your head? mmm like all of a sudden you are lost in your own dream land weaving stories and characters or for that matter thoughts related to life and things you aren’t happy about etc etc … I do and that could be anything under this sky. Seven things that cross my mind a lot are:

  1. Do ghosts exist? : Ohh yes!! I do a lot of times. Why if you may ask I really don’t have an answer but I love watching horror movies a lot and then I go into this deep thought of whether these supernatural and unknown powers really exist? Being from a place like Andaman and Nicobar Islands I have grown up hearing ghost stories and experiences from very close people whom I have seen since I was a kid. And how can you not believe them? So yeah Ghosts and everything about them excites me(am shit scared too as soon as a horror movie gets over, I need someone to go to the next room also yet I love watching horror movies)
  2. What would I do if I didn’t have a 9-6 job? : Me not working is something which would never happen. I love my work and enjoy every bit of it. But there are times when I just feel like resigning and sitting at home doing nothing and then a whole bunch of ideas pop up in my head . What would I do the whole day, will I end up having an individuality of my own? how will I be financially self independent if not a regular job, will I become cranky? what alternate profession I could take up instead of an IT job are many of the questions that pops up in my head.
  3. If I had like a crore in my bank account? 😀 😀 😀 Don’t we all think about all the things we could do if we had a huge amount of savings in our bank accounts? I know you do and so do I ;think of all the places I could visit, all the things I could buy from my wish list and more…
  4. How can I make a crore? : Even dreams charge money at times.. hahaha and so I keep thinking how can I save money and I always terribly fail at it. I don’t know when was the last time I could save some money as I had planned my monthly expenses in the beginning of the month.
  5. Why is feminism so over rated? : I think “#feminism” as a concept is really over rated by both men and women alike. Men mistake feminism to be hatred by women towards women while Women mistake feminism as their rights over men. Feminism is nothing but equality to women in all those things that men do too. We can’t customize it according to our needs. People should understand its more about “gender equality”. (a peek into an upcoming post in future)
  6. Astronomy and Astrology: I am always fascinated about the whole concept of astronomy and astrology. I am not a firm believer of astrology but I do check the Astro section in newspapers whenever I get a chance. The whole concept of zodiac signs really excites me . So are the stars and moon and everything up in the sky and beyond it. I have grown up watching constellations very clearly in the sky and I still love doing that. All these alien-ufo stuff they show in movies always leaves me thinking about them a lot.
  7. The legacy I wana leave  behind me: I simply don’t want to die without leaving a legacy behind. I want to be that someone whom people look up and feel inspired and when I kick the bucket I would want to stay back and see all those people whose life I have touched turn up to bid me farewell. I want to be that person who is remembered for her work. I want to leave a mark in the world even in the tiniest way possible

Yup let’s call it a wrap for the day or I would actually get thinking about a lot more things and that would not suit the headline of this post. So those are the top seven things that crosses my mind very often. What do you people think? Anything in common that we share ? do lemme know!

This post is written for the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge at Blog Chatter and also the reference for the first ten days has been taken from 10 Day Writing Challenge that i saw on Shane’s blog which was inspired by dakilanggerlpren 

Six things I wish I’d never done – DAY 06 OF HALF MARATHON

~~ Never regret something that once made you happy ~~

This has always been one of the principles I have in life. I am not the ones who would regret doing something because I was well aware of the fact of what I was doing and what the consequences would be- so regret is not an excuse at all. Yet we humans never stick to our own principles so there are a handful of incidents or decisions which at times make me feel that I shouldn’t have let gone of that chance/person in life. Wana take a look?

Giving up my H1B: This would be the biggest regret of my life. 4 and a half years into my first company and I was lucky enough to get through the lottery system and wa sure I would have flown to US for my career growth yet I chose not to as I was resigning from the company for personal reasons. I regret this one decision every now and then even more cause the personal reason never worked out in my favour for which had done such big stupidity of letting a chance to grow in career just a miss.

Being lazy: Ohh yes I could be as lazy as the sloth. Since I started working I think infact I am sure that I became lazy. I stopped my regular dance classes. Life was concentrated more on work and travelling with friends. Had I been a little more disciplined – the 1/4 th at least of the kind of people who wake up in the morning and go for jog etc it would have made me so much more cooler !! And worse part is all this doesn’t affect me at all cause I know after I hit the publish button I would be too lazy to even go back to the switchboard and turn off the light so that I could catch some good sleep. 😛

Feeling Insecure: This has to come out of me some day and I am sure I ll eventually have that broad smile on my face once I kick my insecurities out. In a previous post also I had spoken about insecurities. I am sure I would be talking a lot more around this and how it affects our esteem in our own way. So never feel small about yourself , your only agenda should be that  – you should be a better person than yourself. simple agenda of life!!!

Not being much of a reader since childhood: Everyone in my family loves reading except me. Even though now I still manage to read books which also kinda started once I religiously got into blogging. But I regret all those years which I wasted telling myself that reading is so boring. I think the best knowledge one can gain and the most amazing experiences one can live is through books. I would definitely want to encourage everyone to grow their interests towards reading be it any genre but one must and one should read books.

For being cold towards certain people: I sometimes become cold towards people who even I don’t understand why and how it happens or what triggers it but I just don’t feel like being with people in that moment. My friends would be calling I would not take the call and miss out on them. I would not go for any hangout they plan and eventually they just stop inviting me. Now why I do it even I don’t know mostly I would be worried about something and that just makes me cold towards everything else. Some friends I also lost cause of this behavior. But I do have my best friends who know when I go cold..they are amazing cause they give me that space and benefit of doubt and wait for me to be back alive!! ❤

Not learning from mistakes: I always end up making mistakes and then learning from it, sometimes knowing that it would be incorrect or turn out bad in my favor I go ahead with those choices and would convince myself that I ll come out strong and learn a lesson for a lifetime yet I would go back continue doing the same thing. Only particular kind of scenarios 😛 It’s like I simply don’t wana learn from those mistakes at all which later backfires in a bad wayyyyy.

Yeah that was pretty much my regrets in life in the last 29 years and I think they aren’t that bad either but yes agreed totally that I should give it a thought and turn over a new leaf.

What are your regrets in life? Anything if you would want to change now , would you do it or just live with the feeling of regret in heart.????

This post is written for the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge at Blog Chatter and also the reference for the first ten days has been taken from 10 Day Writing Challenge that i saw on Shane’s blog which was inspired by dakilanggerlpren