Seven things that cross my mind a lot – DAY 07 OF HALF MARATHON

Friday it is!!! And mid-way into #Halfmarathon and am glad I managed despite all the odds(lack of time and lot of travel). Wishing you happy weekend in advance 😀 to all my lovely readers.

Do you people think random things in your head? mmm like all of a sudden you are lost in your own dream land weaving stories and characters or for that matter thoughts related to life and things you aren’t happy about etc etc … I do and that could be anything under this sky. Seven things that cross my mind a lot are:

  1. Do ghosts exist? : Ohh yes!! I do a lot of times. Why if you may ask I really don’t have an answer but I love watching horror movies a lot and then I go into this deep thought of whether these supernatural and unknown powers really exist? Being from a place like Andaman and Nicobar Islands I have grown up hearing ghost stories and experiences from very close people whom I have seen since I was a kid. And how can you not believe them? So yeah Ghosts and everything about them excites me(am shit scared too as soon as a horror movie gets over, I need someone to go to the next room also yet I love watching horror movies)
  2. What would I do if I didn’t have a 9-6 job? : Me not working is something which would never happen. I love my work and enjoy every bit of it. But there are times when I just feel like resigning and sitting at home doing nothing and then a whole bunch of ideas pop up in my head . What would I do the whole day, will I end up having an individuality of my own? how will I be financially self independent if not a regular job, will I become cranky? what alternate profession I could take up instead of an IT job are many of the questions that pops up in my head.
  3. If I had like a crore in my bank account? 😀 😀 😀 Don’t we all think about all the things we could do if we had a huge amount of savings in our bank accounts? I know you do and so do I ;think of all the places I could visit, all the things I could buy from my wish list and more…
  4. How can I make a crore? : Even dreams charge money at times.. hahaha and so I keep thinking how can I save money and I always terribly fail at it. I don’t know when was the last time I could save some money as I had planned my monthly expenses in the beginning of the month.
  5. Why is feminism so over rated? : I think “#feminism” as a concept is really over rated by both men and women alike. Men mistake feminism to be hatred by women towards women while Women mistake feminism as their rights over men. Feminism is nothing but equality to women in all those things that men do too. We can’t customize it according to our needs. People should understand its more about “gender equality”. (a peek into an upcoming post in future)
  6. Astronomy and Astrology: I am always fascinated about the whole concept of astronomy and astrology. I am not a firm believer of astrology but I do check the Astro section in newspapers whenever I get a chance. The whole concept of zodiac signs really excites me . So are the stars and moon and everything up in the sky and beyond it. I have grown up watching constellations very clearly in the sky and I still love doing that. All these alien-ufo stuff they show in movies always leaves me thinking about them a lot.
  7. The legacy I wana leave  behind me: I simply don’t want to die without leaving a legacy behind. I want to be that someone whom people look up and feel inspired and when I kick the bucket I would want to stay back and see all those people whose life I have touched turn up to bid me farewell. I want to be that person who is remembered for her work. I want to leave a mark in the world even in the tiniest way possible

Yup let’s call it a wrap for the day or I would actually get thinking about a lot more things and that would not suit the headline of this post. So those are the top seven things that crosses my mind very often. What do you people think? Anything in common that we share ? do lemme know!

This post is written for the Half Marathon Blogging Challenge at Blog Chatter and also the reference for the first ten days has been taken from 10 Day Writing Challenge that i saw on Shane’s blog which was inspired by dakilanggerlpren 

14 thoughts on “Seven things that cross my mind a lot – DAY 07 OF HALF MARATHON”

  1. It’s great you could identify the seven of them, Most of us don’t even stop to notice what thought is going around. When I get interrupted by “Hello, what are you thinking” I forget what I was thinking. 😛

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    1. hahaha 🙂 my subconscious mind is pretty strong in that sense…no matter whats going on or who is talking to me I have a whole bunch of thoughts going in the back of my mind non stop… probably next time when u think something u should pen it down

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  2. Too much randomness across my mind. 🙂 But then again, that happens with writers, I suppose. If I had a ten million rupees, I’d save most of it, retire from work, go on a couple of trips, and buy a lot of books. 😀

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