Another SISTERHOOD AWARD and the feeling is special every time

Because am HAPPY!!! yeah…. who wouldn’t be when you showered with so much of love from the fellow WordPress Community !! 🙂 Yes its award time again and this is from my very bubbly and happy-go-lucky girl Dauntless Dream  So here goes another roller coaster ride in answering her questions … …



Thank you so much gal for the nomination!!! And yeah always thought of telling in the comments but i keep forgetting and that is this one line on your blog which brings a genuine smile on my face – “We were born to be real, not to be perfect.” Totally love it!! 🙂 ( i don’t know if there is a heart or love symbol in WP..still new here)

Who is a female figure, you look up to? – No matter how old i grow, how experienced i become, how strong or independent i become; this lady no matter she is not with me anymore in life she has left me with a life full of experiences, stories, sayings, thoughts, advice, love, blessings and prayers and that’s none other than my MOTHER. 

A movie that seems like a representation of your life? – Not yet. I mean somehow i find my shades of characters in almost some movie or series but not in complete sense!! My life could be made into a movie for sure;)

Current favorite song? Too many, changes with the mood.

Something you’re bad at and want to get good at? – I can’t whistle and blow a chewing gum 😛 I  have been trying this since i was a kid

Meaning behind your URL?- Hope this answers LIFEASAPOTPOURRI

The meanest thing someone has ever said to you?- I don’t remember them cause i ll keep thinking about it over and over again. Well lets just say my answer to them would be – You can love me , you can deny me but you can never ignore me !! 🙂 😉

The nicest thing someone has ever said to you? – I am blessed to be loaded with nicest things every time. So many again that i keep thinking about all those whenever i feel low and it just helps me rise up.

Your opinion on feminism? – Feminism is like two sides of the coin. People tend to use it according to their convenience which i think is totally wrong. Feminism is to feel equal in the society to the male species and should not be mistaken as a means to prove them wrong or inferior or get things done easily for you the woman community. And feminism is not just restricted to one gender but should be considered equally in the society. It does not mean hate men or hate girls (every  girl has that one girl on their target hit list :P), it simply means equality in total

What quality do you like in a person?- Nobody is perfect so i don’t expect someone to be perfect in all aspects. But i admire people who are honest to people and honest to themselves, who respect the opposite person and treat people around with care and affection despite difference in age, sex, caste, social and financial status, job profile etc., chivalry in men,intelligent people who talk sense , people who do not have intentions or have actions that harm others. And that one quality that can make me go weak in my knees is someone who can make me laugh. 

Favorite accent? –I think as Indians we are accent neutral.  Any other accent sounds different and good to me.

P.S – Not nominating anyone cause most people on my blog have already been nominated more than once. Sorry sisters!! 😦 


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